Ashita no Joe 50th Anniversary New Anime will be released in the spring 2018


Ashita no Joe 50th Anniversary

The series of “Ashita no Joe" began on January 1, 1968.

In 2018, it will be the 50th anniversary of tomorrow 's Joe series launch.

So a new animation work will be produced.


The producer says that MEGALO BOX is not a remake of Ashita no Joe, but an original story that inherited the soul of Yabuki.

Ashita no Joe, Ashita no Joe is an original draft of MEGALO BOX.

The main character of MEGALO BOX is a boxer who is playing fixed games in underground boxing for money.

He is called Junk Dog, JD.

JD will find one fate and it will change him.

Here is a PV of MEGALO BOX.

PV is saying “Stay or fight. Choose your TOMORROW."


New PV of MEGALO BOX was released.

PV says;
MEGALO BOX is the future boxing, that blended a body and gear technology.


It was announced that Yoshimasa Hosoya was in charge of a voice actor of the main character of “MEGALO BOX."

Along with the announcement, a new PV with speech voice was released.

Junk Dog is saying to a man like Rikiishi “Well then, show me the real MEGALO BOX you know ."


Director, Concert design You Moriyama

Configuration and Screenplay Katsuhiko Manabe and Kensaku Kojima

Music mabanua

Official site MEGALO BOX (Japanese)

Release on TV will be in April 2018.

Director Moriyama’s comments were issued.

He says;

We don’t make MEGALOBOX as an addition of original.

We try to express the mind of fight in them.


Soundtrack CD of MEGALO BOX will be released on June 27th.

I run while listening to this tune along the Sumida river every morning.

Joe Yabuki in the animation series part 2 ran there, too.